Officially, the first clothing I have made for my baby is a Santa hat.

Aw. I apologize if I just made you vomit. Come on, it's cute, right?
Here's the pattern.

Cut four of these out of a red knit fabric. I used the cotton interlock from Joann Fabrics, that I had leftover from my Electra costume. What, you've never seen my Electra costume? Aw, it was the first thing I made, ever, on a sewing machine... it's a little terrible so I've never posted it. Also I kind of look fat in it. Anyway.
Where was I? Oh right. How to make a Santa hat.
Cut four pattern pieces, above, out of red stretchy fabric. Make sure the stretchy direction is going width wise.
Sew the pattern pieces together, right sides together, so that they form a cone. Use a zigzag stitch and a 1/4" seam allowance.
Cut a 18.5" x 2" rectangle out of the red fabric, and another out of some white faux fur (mine is left over from last years polar bear costume and was purchased at
Sew the two rectangles together, right sides together.
Finish the edge of the red fabric with a zigzag stitch.
Sew the fur side of the rectangle to the bottom of the red cone, right sides together.
On the inside of the hat, hand stitch the red fabric up inside the hat at the four corners.
To make the pom pom: Cut a circle out of the fur fabric, then hand stitch loosely around the outside of the circle. Stuff with scrap fabric and pull tight.
Hand sew the pom pom to the top of the hat.
Mine came out a little too small, because Charlie has a massive head. You may need to adjust the hat for your own little Santa baby.
Merry Christmas!
It is VERY cute. I didn't realize just how big babies eyeballs are.
It was more my bad measuring...thanks for the tutorial/inspiration!
And yes, it is a very cute picture.
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