Thursday, May 29, 2008


I'm working on a lot of stuff right now but I can't post it because it is all surprises. I'm making a special cake for Morgan, and I'm working on a Craftster swap for a Dr. Who fan in England, and I can't wait to share these because I think they will be really cool. But it's a secret right now so shhhh.

In lieu of crafts, here is a picture of me hugging a tree.

That's an Ancient Bristlecone Pine. It was our second wedding anniversary this week, and we went up to the mountains near Big Pine, CA to celebrate, where we hiked and ate a whole lot. Hurray marriage! ;)

Ooo, edit: I made that hat, from a pattern in that book I love, Saturday Night Hat. It's called the Engineer's Hat and is made from one pant leg of a pair of ripped corduroys. So, crafty after all.